Nam Kee in Amsterdam

NederlandNam Kee



🕗 openingstijden

111-113, Zeedijk, 1012 AV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 3470
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3736952, Longitude: 4.9003709

opmerkingen 5

  • saheli de

    saheli de


    I love their sweet corn soup !!! For main dishes .. one dish is enough for two people.

  • piotr straszewski

    piotr straszewski


    Very nice small chinise restaurant , you find hire many kinde of food ;)

  • Luca



    The quality of the duck meat was very bad. In the end we had to pay one of the two ducks. As the boss saw that I wrote this review he got very agressiv, threw the bill into my face and kickt us out.

  • Robin van Leeuwen

    Robin van Leeuwen


    A very nice place to eat. Somewhere in the middle between quick-eat-and-go and restaurant (with more 'luxurious' atmosphere) . The food is good. Prices are good. The service and attention are great. Nice owner. If you want a good meal with a couple of friends or alone,this is a place I would definitely recommend.

  • s.o.n feraly

    s.o.n feraly


    Its a nice place to eat prices are normal like every other chinees restaurants. Food is nice and staff is normally not special also not terribly just normal. Will go there again for a quick bite.

Restaurant in de buurt

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