Mosae Forum in Maastricht

NederlandMosae Forum



🕗 openingstijden

163, Mosae Forum, 6211 DT, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 123 4567
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8518502, Longitude: 5.6934453

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Akash Singh


    Plenty of shops and grocery stores. The place itself is beautiful as it blends the old Maastricht with the new. The only criticism would be lack of places to sit and the place can get dirty due to heavy foot traffic this place gets.

  • Jules Van Der Walt

    Jules Van Der Walt


    A great collection of places located conveniently in the city center. You can do everything from your groceries, to clothes shopping, to having a coffee!

  • en

    B rammetje


    Mosae Forum is not so much a mall as it is a covered set of shops. The new buildings and architecture is lovely. Shops are okay depending on your preference. Mainly clothing and a few other shops. If in Maastricht anyway, you can walk by. I wouldn't drive any extra miles for it.

  • Richard Kohn

    Richard Kohn


    A good addition to the central Maastricht shopping experience. Under cover, convenient parking, close to the Markt and o the shopping streets. Head for it if you're planning a day in Maastricht.

  • Joël Karel

    Joël Karel


    Though it features a number of nice shops, as a shopping concept it failed. Does have a very extensive Chinese supermarket "amazing Oriental" that is worthwhile. At saveurs you can get good quality take out meals. All restaurants in food court closed down.

Winkelcentrum in de buurt

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