Mokum Schilderwerken in Amsterdam

NederlandMokum Schilderwerken



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
20HS, Potgieterstraat, 1053 XX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 16608202
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3696292, Longitude: 4.8732784

opmerkingen 5

  • A Chang

    A Chang


    I don't understand how Arjan has only 30+ reviews, and he deserves at least x10 on both google and werkspot. He was super flexible with scheduling and always was one step ahead of me in selecting paints, calculating m2, and any necessary actions. I invited him over to paint during such hectic times, but he never complained about it but instead focused on his job to finish almost 80m2 house in 2.5 (!) days. I can't recommend him enough because he is just SO GOOD, and I will definitely hire him repeatedly if I want to change colors in my house again. Once the mess is removed, hopefully, I can add some photos to this review as well. Thanks ever so much, Arjan. You saved me during this dreadful process!!!

  • Brian Petersen

    Brian Petersen


    Please do yourself a favor and hire Arjan for all your painting needs! He was so easy to work with, very responsive, super prepared, very kind and professional and did a beautiful job painting our new place! Our dog even made a new friend! I would highly recommend Mokum Schilderwerken to everyone!

  • Tim Z.

    Tim Z.


    I emailed Arjan back and forth a few weeks to decision what color and where I want to paint at my new apartment. He is very responsible person and easy to work with. When I have question, I know I know he will get back to me next day. He treated my apartment very carefully, the apartment is clear after they have finished the project. Of course his work is very good, and my friends they can tell that my walls was done professionally! Highly recommend Arjan to anyone!

  • Tom de Clerck

    Tom de Clerck


    Arjan is simply great! In the process before the actual work he communicates quick and to the point, thinks along and advises, and answers all your questions. The work itself was done quickly, neatly and again with good communication. Arjan left the house clean and perfectly painted. In addition to that he is also a very nice and friendly guy, would definitely recommend and engage again!

  • Johnathan Leibbrandt

    Johnathan Leibbrandt


    Thank you, Arjan. We had an introductory meeting (to agree the scope of work), he neatly and expertly painted the apartment (keeping me updated and giving advice along the way) and left the apartment very clean and tidy. His communication was clear and pleasant. It was lovely interacting with him! I recommend his services and will use his services again in future!

Schilder in de buurt

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