Micro brewery. Brouwerij De Prael in Amsterdam

NederlandMicro brewery. Brouwerij De Prael



🕗 openingstijden

26, Oudezijds Armsteeg, 1012 GP, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 408 4469
website: www.deprael.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3756047, Longitude: 4.8993874

opmerkingen 5

  • Isabell Drees

    Isabell Drees


    Cute little brewery in the city center of Amsterdam. Beer was very good. Bill was 12€ tipped up 13€ but the Bartender gave in 15€ that's why it's 4/5 stars

  • Alexandra Rujita

    Alexandra Rujita


    We found this place by mistake given the fact that is on an alley hidden from the Main Street, but do not let that fool you. The staff is really friendly, they hire people from different backgrounds and all have a story to tell, the beer is amazing and locally crafted and they were nice enough to cook for us even if the kitchen was closed. So if you’re in Amsterdam you must pass by and be sure to leave a nice tip, it is worth it.

  • Trevor Hamlin

    Trevor Hamlin


    One of my top three go-to breweries in town. Great beer and good food, with a jenever bar next door.

  • Carlos Alexandre Dias de Moura

    Carlos Alexandre Dias de Moura


    The concept is great. The beer selection is basic. An awesome set up, some good snacks and it is created the formula to spend the rest of a walking day in Amsterdam and wait for the night activities of the city to start. I know you need a place to sit before heading to the Red light district, then you found it!

  • Bill Wirtz

    Bill Wirtz


    Regular craft beer, nice staff

Bar in de buurt

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