Mercure Hotel Amsterdam West in Amsterdam

NederlandMercure Hotel Amsterdam West


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🕗 openingstijden

20, Oude Haagseweg, 1066 BW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 512 6767
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3373066, Longitude: 4.8173989

opmerkingen 5

  • Dom Squibb

    Dom Squibb


    A convenient location between airport and Amsterdam with a bus link to trains at Slotervaart. A shuttle is provided between airport and hotel, it is free for pickup but subsequent uses cist 5 euro per day per room. Staff are helpful and friendly. Rooms are clean and a decent size. Gym is small but has the basics you need. Lovely grounds to walk in. Bar and restaurant reasonable for a hotel. 20 minutes into Amsterdam. 10 to airport. Didn't have breakfast so cannot comment.

  • Jay Tromp

    Jay Tromp


    (English below) + Gratis WiFi + Schone kamers met goede bedden - Personeel is stroef, niet spontaan en niet zelden onbeschoft (schreeuwen, trekken) - Ondanks de naam toch best afgelegen, je doet er 15 minuten over om bij de luchthaven te komen, 25 tot 45 minuten naar het centrum - Niet gunstig gelegen voor voetgangers, slagboom voor auto's is gedateerd - Als je een kamer voor €120/nacht boekt, verwacht je niet dat je ook nog €45 voor een ontbijt moet betalen, €60 voor een simpel diner of €7,50 voor een fles water. Het is het geld niet waard, veel te simpel ontbijt. Liever reserveren bij een plek als Dignita. + Free WiFi + Clean rooms, nice beds - Staff is rigid, not spontaneous and quite often rude (yelling, pulling) - Despite the name not really close to the airport, takes a 5 minute walk and 15 minutes bus. Takes 30 to 45 minutes to get in the city center - Entrance not pedestrian-friendly. Gate for cars is outdated - If you book a room for €120/night, you don't also want to be charged for a disappointing breakfast (€45), a simple dinner (€60) or even a bottle of water (€7,50). Besides the high prices, it's not even worth half the price. If you want breakfast, it's better to make a reservation at a place like Dignita.

  • en

    Alan Smith


    My friend recently treated me to a trip to to Amsterdam for my birthday. We stayed at the Mercure West for three very comfortable nights, the rooms were really clean & modern, the bed especially good, good shower, bathroom etc, with a good bus link to the city. We did avoid the 22euro per person breakfast though, which is a shame with breakfast being the most important meal of the day. On the morning of our departure, we realised the staff had not topped up our tea/coffee in our room the day before, so I went to make us 2 coffees & several pastries, while my friend was checking out. She has since been billed £20.90 for our meagre breakfast, which I feel is a little steep, but this was the only downside to our stay at your hotel. Overall the Mercure Hotel West is a good place to stay, with friendly staff and with frequent bus rides into the city centre.

  • Andrea Argiolas

    Andrea Argiolas


    hotel molto comodo sia per chi usa l'auto dato l'ampio parcheggio e la posizione a meta' strada tra aeroporto e centro citta', ma anche per chi voglia un posto tranquillo e voglia spostarsi coi trasporti pubblici. infatti c'e un bus a pochi minuti che offre fino a tardi il servizio aeroporto citta e viceversa. hotel semplice e moderno molto pratico con stanze pulitissime. buona la colazione. personale assi cortese che ci ha aiutato a capire gli spostametni da e per l'hotel. clientela msita ma in prevalenza di persone che si muovono per lavoro. ottimo rapporto qualtà prezzo. non spaventatevi se nel giardino vedrete dei simpaticissimi coniglietti. la struttura e' immersa nella natura.

  • Lars Kristensen

    Lars Kristensen


    Rene værelser. Fitness udstyr trænger til eftersyn.

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