Medina Wasserij in Amsterdam

NederlandMedina Wasserij



🕗 openingstijden

92, Javastraat, 1094 HM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 694 7156
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3636242, Longitude: 4.9361341

opmerkingen 5

  • luca lorusso

    luca lorusso


    Cheater! He didn’t clean my stuff! They are still full of marks as they were when I brought them. Cheater cheater cheater. Do not go to this place to wash your clothes!

  • en

    Stephen Stephenson


  • en

    Sophia T


    Very very rude... My father did laundry here before and they were polite to him but to me and my roommate they were rude and condescending - maybe because we were young women. We closed the laundry machine a little hard and the man working there told us if we broke it we'd have to pay for it. Then we were a few minutes late coming back for the laundry and he said 'what, did you fall asleep?'. When we returned for the laundry in the dryer, he opened the machine, which was still running, and told us 'it's done, take it'. It wasn't done - the laundry was still wet. We called him back over and he shut the machine impatiently and told us he'd run it for five more minutes. We had our plastic trash with us and told him we'd throw it out and be back in 5 minutes. We were back in 3 minutes and he was taking our clothes out of the machine. When we had paid I told him he had been rude to us and we would not be back, and he smiled and asked if we would run on back to our country. There are other laundry places very close by - avoid this one.

  • Vikaash Mahabir

    Vikaash Mahabir


    Breng hier al jaren m'n zakken was per 6kg. Acht euro voor laten wassen, drogen en vouwen is best goed te doen. Heel af en toe is de was wat gekreukeld of nog een beetje nat, maar daar lig ik niet wakker van.

  • Ashraf Mohammad

    Ashraf Mohammad


    nice servec!

Wasserij in de buurt

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