Maslow Café in Amsterdam

NederlandMaslow Café


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🕗 openingstijden

3198, Carolina MacGillavrylaan, 1098 XK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 85 014 0707
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3544392, Longitude: 4.9503369

opmerkingen 5

  • John Mathew

    John Mathew


    Good place to chill and grab some food. Good burgers. Falafel platter is very good. Has free internet.

  • Silvia W. Morales

    Silvia W. Morales


    Lovely place!! Good coffe and hot chocolat and the Apple pie its so good!!

  • M.S. Waisapy

    M.S. Waisapy


    Nice café wirh several different beers on tap and helpfull staff

  • en

    Quinty Penne


    Went for food here the other night. It was the best place I went to while visiting Amsterdam. While it was just around the corner of my AirBnB! Next time I'm in Amsterdam I'll visit straight away.

  • Gabriel Koyro

    Gabriel Koyro


    Very convenient for the students living at science park, so it's not uncommon to find them there. However it's also frequented by local workers and teachers. They have rather a small selection of options to eat, but the beer is very good. The atmosphere is cozy and with different table options. You can work there with your laptop quite comfortable.

Bar in de buurt

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