Madelief Florist (Flower Shop) in Amsterdam

NederlandMadelief Florist (Flower Shop)



🕗 openingstijden

93 WNKL, Haarlemmerdijk, 1013 KD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 625 3239
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3829121, Longitude: 4.8864771

opmerkingen 5

  • angelien ineke Wegkamp

    angelien ineke Wegkamp


    With great pleasure I always buy a beautiful bouquet here made with a unique creative style for the occasion.

  • Martino Mensio

    Martino Mensio


    Great experience, I contacted them for delivering flowers and they were friendly and helpful. Even from abroad and with the distance I managed to be close to someone thanks to them.

  • Sascha Pierlo

    Sascha Pierlo


    The most beautiful flowers and the nicest people! I am always happy with the flowers and they really stay beautiful for a long time. Much choice. If you are really looking for something special, go to Madelief 🌺

  • Bart Vromans

    Bart Vromans


    One of the most beautiful shop in amsterdam centrum. Their amazing window display stop me from walking and i just look at it for long minutes. Surely it does not stop there. I went inside and the smell of flowers attract me to wanting to see more. They have beautiful,colorful,fresh,excellent quality and different varieties of fresh flowers. The flowers are for sure very exclusive which i don’t see in most flowershop. They sell everything per stem and they will help you to create your own bouquet if you don’t want the ready made one. The people who are working there are very friendly and helpful which is very pleasant. You will also notice that they have knowledge and creativity in their work. They also sell different varieties of plants,pots and vases,candles,pillows,chairs,blankets,etc.. It was indeed a very nice visit in this shop. From now on,i know where i will buy my flowers. I recommend this shop 100%. Come and see it for your self,for sure you will have a great time like i did😊

  • kamulders



    One of the BEST flowers store in the Nederlands.

Bloemist in de buurt

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