Louis Vuitton de Bijenkorf Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandLouis Vuitton de Bijenkorf Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

1, Dam, 1012 JS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 721 9441
website: en.louisvuitton.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3732529, Longitude: 4.8940721

opmerkingen 5

  • Aaron Dinh

    Aaron Dinh


    chaos totally disorganized can't imagine that this can be happen with LV better to close the shop to focus on improvement of their service.

  • Yang Yichen

    Yang Yichen


    The service is really nice! Not rude at all. And I get the bag that I want.

  • Bello Dani

    Bello Dani


    My experience was super nice....I had a great time in the shop....i have been helped by Manolo,he was very friendly and helpful and he has knowledge of the products.I felt very welcome I would ask for his help again next time

  • Syaiful Helmy

    Syaiful Helmy


    Purchase some of my stuff here (last week on 1st week of April 2021), sorry to say bad customer service and please don't judge people by the appearance, please put some smile on the face while attending customer. I do understand that there is time limit but do give buffer for customer. Thank you but there's some other staff who are very polite and helpful too.

  • Mitchell H

    Mitchell H


    Worst shopping experience ever i never been helped so poorly in a empty shop the shop assistant was very rude by speech and not able to answer simple questions. He could only show me one item on the ipad and was actually pushing to order it he was not showing me other options and if i asked for the size its kinda of the same size as all he said. I was flabbergasted walking out of the shop. I dont expect miracles just politeness and clear answers. I highly recommend to go to PC Hooftstraat LV and stay away from Bijenkorf LV

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