Lensball in Enschede




🕗 openingstijden

10, Rigtersbleek-Zandvoort, 7521 BE, Enschede, Enschede, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31
website: www.lensball.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2227013, Longitude: 6.8719009

opmerkingen 5

  • Mareena Emran

    Mareena Emran


    The lensball is such an amazing tool to use in your photography. Itā€™s probably better than any prism iā€™ve ever used and adds a really distinct touch to your shots! Itā€™s made my photography style more elevated and Iā€™ve been able to use it for sports and portrait photography. All in all itā€™s a 5 star product and should be owned by anyone and everyone seeking cooler photographic shots in their portfolio.

  • Rita Johnston

    Rita Johnston


    I bought my lensball around Christmas time and I'm in LOVE with it! It arrived in it's own protective bag and in a very protective box. It is very high quality and is an amazing new addition to my photo bag. It has opened up a whole new world for my photography hobby! I now see things differently all defined by how they would look through the lensball! I would HIGHLY recommend this item and strongly suggest not to buy the knock off items. Buy direct from the site for the best quality! I don't leave home without it!

  • Debbie Louez

    Debbie Louez


    I ordered 2 lensballa they were delivered to the wrong country but when I contacted Lensball they where great & reshipped the balls to me. I can say I'm very happy with the way they arrived packed for the long trip to Australia to arrive undamaged Thanks Lensball.

  • en

    Eduard van PagƩe


    Awesome company with a Great product which provides you a new positive perspective on thingsšŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜Š Also, the service these guys offer you after you bought the product is even better than the whole product itself.. not jokingšŸ˜

  • Ellie Tippetts

    Ellie Tippetts


    When I ordered my lensball I was really excited to receive it, but it took over a month and a half to even be delivered. Then was delivered to my billing address where I no longer live instead of my shipping address. Irritated, I emailed support and demanded my money back or asked for a replacement. Support was patient and kind and very willingly sent me a replacement after confirming the correct address. I really appreciate their customer service and the fact that they fixed the situation. I always give 5 stars to companies that do that.

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