Lastage in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

29, Geldersekade, 1011 EJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 737 0811
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3754494, Longitude: 4.9023726

opmerkingen 5

  • Joeri Deckers

    Joeri Deckers


    Doesn't deliver at all. Not the expectations nor the price/quality ratio. I will not come back for sure. So first of all the worst thing: the dough of my desert was undercooked. It was raw for the largest part. I didn't have to pay for it though. Second of all: there was sand in one of my clams. I felt it between my teeth and saw it in the clam. Third: the lam was far from perfectly pink, really too purple and raw. Fourth: the opening of the wine was badly done so there was some cork in the wine. Furthermore, they didn't have the wine on the menu that we chose. Fifth: they price still water way too much and it is not nice to realize that at the end.

  • S K

    S K


    My wife and I dined at "Lastage" (gourmet restaurant) on a Sunday in May 2018. - Service: The restaurant's team was very nice and polite. The general atmosphere was quite relaxed. - Food: The restaurant offered a choice of two different dishes for each course. A clear focus were dishes containing fish/seafood. As a result, we were able to select a menu where most dishes contained fish/seafood - we liked that very much. The menu was thoroughly arranged, very appealing and very good. We were very content with the range of tastes. We would not name or pick out any specific highlights, but otherwise the standard of all dishes and components was constantly very high. There were absolutely no shortcomings. - Wine: The wine pairing was outstanding. All wines matched very well to the dishes. We found it quite appealing that the wines were selected from many different regions in Europe. They offered an option of half-filled glasses which we opted for very gladly. - Presentation: We would rate the presentation of the food and components as good or even very good. We have seen many nicely arranged colors. In several cases components were added at the table. The presentation of the wines was excellent - very informative and convincing. - Appearance of restaurant: We liked the design of the room which we would describe as restrained. The restaurant is quite small and due to the number of tables and a very good utilization this was a factor we felt. The room seemed to be also quite clairaudient. - Price: In our opinion, the restaurant offered an excellent price-performance ratio. We appreciated that very much. To sum up, we would say that the restaurant offered a convincing and lasting overall impression. They completely fulfilled our very high expectations. In case we happen to visit Amsterdam again we shall certainly consider another visit to the restaurant.

  • Sonia M

    Sonia M


    Food: The good thing was that they did not have a vegetarian menu, however tried their best to create one for me. Unfortunately, the veggie menu was more or less veggie version of the non-veg option (for example add potato instead of fish to a soup). Taste-wise, it was good but nothing blew our minds - not for me, who ate the veg menu, or for my partner who ate mainly pescatarian. Ambience: Again, nothing to wrote home about. It's cramped, feels a little old, is brightly-but-not-too-brightly lit. Service: We had almost all the servers serving us at different points through the meal. Apart from one, everyone else seemed a little cold.

  • Eric Liu

    Eric Liu


    The food is good and interesting, but some of the flavour are just quite special. Not a bad special, but unique special that requires some times to understand.

  • Emma J

    Emma J


    One of the best restaurant experiences yet in Amsterdam. My family and I all had 3-4 course meals for the each of us and we were very satisfied with the portions. To make sure the experience was better, the service was beyond excellent. Each dish was introduced when served so we knew exactly what piece of art we were about to consume! Couldn't be happier with the location: homey, cozy, quiet, and warm. Cannot wait to come back!

Restaurant in de buurt

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