LantarenVenster in Rotterdam




🕗 openingstijden

996, Otto Reuchlinweg, 3072 MD, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 277 2277
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9048318, Longitude: 4.4869932

opmerkingen 5

  • Rob van Mechelen

    Rob van Mechelen


    Film festival movies, unkown movies avant garde moviez.

  • Graham van der Wielen

    Graham van der Wielen


    Plenty of movie theatres in Rotterdam but this is one of my favourite (the others are Kino, Cinerama and Criterion). You will generally find the more offbeat movies here, not blockbusters but more arthouse. Albeit it LantarenVenster also services as a venue for concerts and also service food/drink. The chairs in the theatre are quite comfortable.

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    Simone Christoffelsz


    Much more than just a movie theatre. Beautifully located with a good bar and cafe, all entertainment experiences are enhanced by the care for their patrons. Every visit is memorable.

  • Philippa Burton

    Philippa Burton


    A great film programme, with a €22.50 good value film + dinner package. I had a tasty seabass filet with tomato salsa, a sweet potato gratin and spinach (usual price €17.50). Other choices include two vegetarian dishes and an organic hamburger. With views of one of Rotterdam's many harbours.

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    Wouter van Leeuwen


    Great movie theater! Movie selection is generally really good and the atmosphere there is great. You can enjoy good food and nice drinks. Recommend it to anyone who likes anything that isn't a blockbuster/mainstream movie.

Bioscoop in de buurt

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