Landgoed Huize Glory in Bergen aan Zee

NederlandLandgoed Huize Glory


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🕗 openingstijden

2, Elzenlaan, 1865 BM, Bergen aan Zee, Bergen, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 72 581 3741
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.6653241, Longitude: 4.6422645

opmerkingen 5

  • arend Pas

    arend Pas


    Very good restaurant with quite exclusive food, very kind personnel, and after you finished your dish ask for the tower, you will get directed upstairs to a wonderful view!

  • Sabrina Miklavcic

    Sabrina Miklavcic


    Nice location. I only had some food in their restaurant. The soup of the day was really tasty. They have a nice selection of tea. The comes in a form of a small letter with its story. Very nice done. The building is really old and you feel that once you are inside. Very old fashion. Once outside you can hear sound of the sea especially if its a bit windy.

  • en

    Mihoko Ikeya


    We have stayed with our large family in Huize Glory for a weekend. The atmosphere of a historical mansion was for us a unique and nice experience. Despite being a historical building, the rooms are all clean and beds are very good. We enjoyed the breakfast in the great hall viewing the sea in the distance. Our young ones shared an apartment and they seemed to have had a fun together. The diner in the restaurant was also very tasty and healthy with fresh ingredients. Only minus point was that the thermostat in a room was difficult to find. Maybe it would be a help if the usage of thermostat is informed at the time of check-in. We would like to come back again for staying or only for diner.

  • Tein van der Lugt

    Tein van der Lugt


    Beautiful view on Bergen aan Zee and very kind staff.

  • en

    Alex Mijatovich


    Beautiful location on top of a hill. Staff was not very helpful and it is not suited for handicapped people. Food was pretty good.

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