La Oliva in Amsterdam

NederlandLa Oliva



🕗 openingstijden

122 124, Egelantiersstraat, 1015 PR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 320 4316
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3767509, Longitude: 4.882256

opmerkingen 5

  • Manu Hortet

    Manu Hortet


    Probably the best Spanish/tapas place in the city. Love it!

  • Your Name Here

    Your Name Here


    Used to be a very nice tapas place 10y ago but neither food nor service still lives up to what it used to be. Unfriendly service and mediocre dishes totally overpriced. Sorry but Amsterdam has too many options to choose from to go for mediocre... and if service almost post-Corona is still not spot on, then it’s a pass! Echt jammer...

  • Pukpuk Kropoek

    Pukpuk Kropoek


    Possibly they serve the best pintxos in town.

  • Bendert Katier

    Bendert Katier


    First time out again eating with friends. We were accommodated with quite a large group and waiters were quick and friendly. Would recommend

  • Sander Hoogendoorn

    Sander Hoogendoorn


    Good wine. But the menu was totally different from what we found on Google Maps - no tapas, tortillas or patatas bravas anymore. Which was what we came for. Also, I guess we were at the wrong table as the staff continuously forgot us.

Restaurant in de buurt

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