La Cubanita in Almere

NederlandLa Cubanita



🕗 openingstijden

132, Belfort, 1315 VD, Almere, Almere, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 36 525 0145
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3701472, Longitude: 5.2175157

opmerkingen 5

  • Ron van Bruchem

    Ron van Bruchem


    Great concept with delicious food for a good price.

  • Frenxo Espel

    Frenxo Espel


    Nice tapas style restaurant, good price.

  • G. Nie

    G. Nie


    They are not used to serve a large group of people. Service was slow and to give 4 plates of desserts for 24 people with the excuse that "not always people eat all their dessert so this is all you get" is just not really friendly to do. Cocktails had too much ice. Almost all food served was deep fried. Too bad. Not a good experience...

  • en

    Google User


    Tried to eat here. We called several times to make a reservation and no one answred, so we just went along. We were told they were fully book. We chose another restaurant opposite. There were around 15-20 free tables free at Cubanita all night, so apparent they were not fully booked!

  • en

    Sheiky M


    The chicken wings are superb, the waitresses are both ultra friendly and ultra hot!, Very accommodating as a restaurant had my 12 year olds birth day there and they made it really special for her! I recommend the chicken wings, the prawns and mojitos!

Bar in de buurt

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