Kuijs Reinder Kakes Makelaars & Adviseurs in Amsterdam

NederlandKuijs Reinder Kakes Makelaars & Adviseurs



🕗 openingstijden

67, Valkenburgerstraat, 1011 MG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 626 5361
website: www.krk.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3696292, Longitude: 4.9075334

opmerkingen 5

  • Evan Geo

    Evan Geo


    Variety of options based on the search profile. Professional support with automated processes. Communication can be improved.

  • Vincent Hulshoff

    Vincent Hulshoff


    I've got a very good experience with KRK. Special thanks to Bas Cisse and Jo-Ann Lamberink. They've helped out excellent.

  • horvathlivia86



    Special thank you for Jo-Ann Lamberink. She was very helpfull and professional. The process was very quick and clear, we got a viewing on Wednesday and she already called us with the good news on Friday!! I can only recommend Kuijs Reinder Kakes Makelaars, we found our dream rental through them. Major thanks!!

  • Civil Magician

    Civil Magician


    Very bad experiences on this makelaar. I made an IDD account on their websites put all my documents and everything. I received a lot rental houses that matched my profile , tried hundreds of reactions hoping to get a rental offers and I never had any house viewing invitation!!! Then I got one house viewing after calling their lines for so many tries! Did the viewing and after that, broker said I only need to reply on the viewing confirmation that they had sent me and I will receive a response within 2 weeks. And that’s never happened after almost 1 month of waiting!!! I tried multiple times to contact them asking the status of my applications and they are not even replying to my email to help me! Their live chat in their website is also not very useful as there’s hardly anyone to response on your quiry!!! So if you are urgently needing a house to rent, i suggest NEVER, EVER apply here!!! Yes they have a lot of cheap home rentals but their services isn’t reliable!!! Plus their income requirements for renting a 850€ house is way too high!!! I manage to get a rental house of 1,350€ in other Makelaars with my incomes! So yeah, my advice is don’t waste your time in this Makelaar!!! They are only good if you are selling a property because they can get money from you!!!

  • Rogier D

    Rogier D


    We are happy we bought a house, with the help of Leonie Evers, of Kuijs Reinder Kakes Makelaars in Amsterdam. Without a doubt, we will use her services again in the future, if ever needed. Leonie is friendly and professional - kind in personal contact; transparent and accurate in her communication; sharp and fast, when needed in the market. What you need from a real estate agent, and more.

Makelaar in de buurt

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