Kinki Kappers Amsterdam Overtoom in Amsterdam

NederlandKinki Kappers Amsterdam Overtoom



🕗 openingstijden

245, Overtoom, 1054 HW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 689 4553
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3607742, Longitude: 4.8684749

opmerkingen 5

  • Eran Harash

    Eran Harash


    Keeping up with time, style and always flexible service!

  • PK Shots510

    PK Shots510


    I called and asked for a perm the guy sounded so confused like I was talking from outer space. And I kept asking him questions he sounded more confused. How are you hair dresser or barbershop and never heard of a hair perm??

  • Susanna Inglada

    Susanna Inglada


    I went there to cut my fringe and they did not want to do it at first, then when they did it they cut it super fast and wrong. I went there again to give them a second chance. I ask them to put me 2 colors on my hair and they split some one of the color to the other side of the hair accidentally. I had a strange shape in my hair on another color I did not ask and they don’t even repair it or told me to come back to . Really rude!

  • Matias Asturias

    Matias Asturias


    All good.

  • Joanna vB

    Joanna vB


    Absolutely love Kinki Kappers, and their Overtoom location is no exception! With wavy hair it was hard to get a hairdressers that helped me get the most out of my curls till I found Kinki - and they do wonders with color too.

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