Kijkhuis Leiden in Leiden

NederlandKijkhuis Leiden


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10, Vrouwenkerksteeg, 2312 WS, Leiden, Leiden, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 71 513 3900
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.1612173, Longitude: 4.4889599

opmerkingen 5

  • Paul Doyne

    Paul Doyne


    The smaller of the three Leiden cinemas, with a more Art-house offering. Went to two movies here last weekend. I was expecting it to be full of students (holding seats for their friends by placing coats over them, antisocial behaviour etc.) but it wasn't thankfully. Anyway it's comfortable and has friendly staff. The antithesis of the awful Pathé multiplex experience.

  • Mitra E.P.

    Mitra E.P.


    Classic movie theater, which has kept its old style, as many other things in Leiden. Enjoy a nice movie in a classic setting.

  • en

    Eanna Mac Craith


    Located just off the shopping street of harlemmerstraat Kijkhuis is a cosy two-screen cinema. It shows a mixture of both mainstream and arthouse movies, it has an audience choice once a month and there is a small bar in the foyer. Cineville cards are accepted here.

  • Karolina Pill

    Karolina Pill


    A cozy and authentic cinema for drinks, good movies and more.

  • Johan Tampubolon

    Johan Tampubolon


    Interesting art house cinema theatre. Small and homey with a dim lighting. The zaal is quite small and when someone didn't close the door properly you can hear conversations from the restaurants but that's rarely the case because everyone closes the door after themselves. Sat in the frontmost row and could still enjoy "You Were Never Really Here" during Leiden International Film Festival.

Bioscoop in de buurt

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