Kebab Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandKebab Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

236, Ceintuurbaan, 1072 GE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 334 5797
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3523314, Longitude: 4.8889749

opmerkingen 5

  • Theo



    New kebab joint ~ nice 😷! I live above this place, and it changed Owners & came under New Management during the Winter. Wow! What a smart new place 🤩👍 Older reviews here don't apply now. With all you'd expect in a Kebab place, the food is now delicious & fresh always. Neighbourly service with a smile now too. Big changes! I'm addicted to the "broodje kip" - so much delicious chicken stuffed in a huge bun. The baklava i can't resist. And new outside tables are very welcome. 👍

  • Salah Oum

    Salah Oum


    Swiss dishes with low prices 😍

  • Karol J Newmountain

    Karol J Newmountain


    Tasty chicken

  • Powabny Kocur

    Powabny Kocur


    Good food. Good atmosphere

  • Rahul Yadav

    Rahul Yadav


    Went there late night & an elderly man was working. He spoke limited English and didn’t want to explain the items on the menu. I decided to get chicken sandwich. He was handling food without gloves or hair net. BAD Offered him cash money €50 bill but he didn’t had any change. Offered visa credit card but they only accept American Express only. Thus winded up in a situation where I couldn’t have food despite having the finances. So far 0 but He offered me food (worth € 7.50) for whatever change I had in coins (approx €1.30). Portions are decent & quality is ok. His customer service changed my 0 to 3

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