Kattencafé Op z'n Kop in Groningen

NederlandKattencafé Op z'n Kop



🕗 openingstijden

57, Oude Ebbingestraat, 9712 HC, Groningen, Groningen, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 50 211 1963
website: opznkop.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 53.2207933, Longitude: 6.5663018

opmerkingen 5

  • Lisa Rosa

    Lisa Rosa


    Super cozy place. The cats are all sweet and friendly. The service is great too, although a little bit slow.

  • Sophie V

    Sophie V


    I've been here many times and always had a great time. Drinks and food are good and plenty, with vegan and gluten free alternatives. Cats are very cute, 10/10.

  • Teun Zijp

    Teun Zijp


    I love the charity, all cats have a story most (or all) were rescued from the street, and have a great life now, with all the attention/love they could ever wish for. Recommended for pairs/couples, if you decide to come with a group anyways, don't expect too much of the cats. Although I love the fact that we were tolerated, groups tend to make too much noise. Glad we were still able to have some cat interaction with the cats.

  • Inge Vos

    Inge Vos


    Very nice and quaint cafe with so many adorable cats. You can see it's so popular by how busy it is, I really recommend booking in advance because a free seat is not guaranteed overwise! There is really good food and coffee. The cats are beautiful and lovely but they don't always seem to enjoy the attention, which is understandable. Just going for the ambiance is nice as well. Nice for kids too, but let them be friendly and patient around the cats.

  • Ophelia



    What a wonderful place to relax! The coffee is delicious and the cats are adorable. Even if they do not approach you - you are not allowed to pick them up or force them to love you - the cafe still has a lovely atmosphere to it. The service is very good and they do not bother you too much, so it is a lovely place to work on stuff. The Wifi is free and very good as well. I would recommend booking a time slot though, to be sure there is room, as it is quite busy here. You can easily do this online at their website, so it should not be too hard. Overall, I would definitely recommend this place!

Cafe in de buurt

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