Karaokebar 24K in Amsterdam

NederlandKaraokebar 24K



🕗 openingstijden

8bg, Halvemaansteeg, 1017 CR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 47055022
website: karaokebar24k.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3666973, Longitude: 4.895695

opmerkingen 5

  • Alicja DepczyÅ„ska

    Alicja Depczyńska


    Best karaoke place I have ever been to! Organized a social event there for a Firm and was really happy to see how the people are having great time and at the same time service at highest level! The Ladies working there were really lovely and made sure that everyone is enjoying the music, singing, fun, drinks and the place! Thank you so much for having us!!! We will come back to Karaoke24!!!!

  • Nicole Partridge

    Nicole Partridge


    Visited Karaokebar 24K on a recent trip with friends and had a great time singing our hearts out! The staff was awesome and are intent on ensuring everyone is having a good time. Big selection of songs in several languages, reasonable drink prices, and a really clean bar. Definitely would recommend!

  • Thomas Ng

    Thomas Ng


    This place is awesome! It's a small bar, but with great crowds and fun staff. Went there with my group a couple times and it was always a blast. Go check it out! Oh, and Henry's great, definitely have a chat with him

  • en

    Brandon Johnson


    The best karaoke bar I’ve ever been to. Not only was the ambience amazing, the staff was extremely curteous and accommodating. I had the pleasure to talk with Henry for a short time, and immediately sensed a true commitment to customer satisfaction. I’m eager for the next time I visit Amsterdam and can sing out of key in a truly enjoyable place. 5/5

  • Navnet er Michael

    Navnet er Michael


    Probably one of the best times of my life. While staying in Amsterdam, i took my classmates to this bar 4 days straight. They have really nice employees, really cheap drinks with a large selection, and all the songs you can sing. Totally worth going. - Apple Bandit Guy (and I apologize on behalf of the guy who took the candle)

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