Jan Linders in Maastricht

NederlandJan Linders



🕗 openingstijden

57, Tongerseweg, 6213 GA, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 325 0181
website: www.janlinders.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8433049, Longitude: 5.6776273

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Guiseppe Noteborn


    I live above the Jan Linders, always friendly staff and I go there for all my shopping. Even though it might be cheaper somewhere else but the sphere is very nice and that's also worth something to. The vegetables and fruits are very fresh and The assortment is also big enough.

  • en

    Jean Tanti


    Good supermarket, but dont buy the fruits & vegetables, especially the avocados

  • Jean Houben

    Jean Houben


    Easy parking. Good products and open on Sunday

  • en

    Sonja Boman


    Awful service: kids basically run this store without adult supervision. Long lines at the cashier because only one lane is open. Shelves well stacked though. Recommend going to Lidl/Aldi around the corner. Much cheaper option aswell

  • Arthur Graton

    Arthur Graton


    What you would expect from a supermarket. There is everything you need for any meal at a decent price. It also has different shops with access to the same parking making buying large amount of varied goods easy.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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