Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam in Zaandam

NederlandInntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
102, Provincialeweg, 1506 MD, Zaandam, Zaanstad, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 75 631 1711
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.4380719, Longitude: 4.8159301

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Preksha Mistry


    Very nice hotel . Town near the train station and shopping centre... Building structure is also veev beautiful and well maintained... The rooms are clean and larger than the average. The restaurant is also very good.. Highly recommend to visit this place.. very nice view in Sunny days...

  • Raymond Houw

    Raymond Houw


    外型充滿特色的酒店,但入住當日只有零下2度而房間的暖氣系統壞掉,曾經嘗試要求轉房但被拒絕,職員表示全酒店的系統壞掉所以未能安排,但其他同行友人的房間系統正常,感覺被騙了! 以這樣的價格換來被騙的服務,感覺非常差

  • David Dunn

    David Dunn


    Friendly service and there was always someone who spoke English at the front desk. The building is beautiful on the outside, as is the rest of Zaandam. The inside is clean and comfortable. If you like shopping, it is right across from Primark (think Forever 21 but better and less expensive). The only drawback is that all the shops in Zaandam seem to close very early in the afternoon, but that seems to be standard for the Netherlands.

  • Alice Santhià

    Alice Santhià


    Hotel incredibile con confort eccezionali gratuiti fino alle 23. Vedi foto (area fitness + piscina e sauna). Stile caratteristico. Posizione strategica, poiché vicino ad Amsterdam ma immerso in un atmosfera quasi distaccata da quel movimento frenetico da città. Camere stupende, calde, con bollitore e tutto il necessario per starsene in camera non al bar. Ristorante chic con menù gourmet e locale. Prezzi medi ma ne vale la pena. Staff molto cortese e giovane!

  • Marcel van Gennip

    Marcel van Gennip


    Great hotel. The hotel is in typical style of the city. The rooms are very neat and cozy. The dinner at the restaurant is amazing and the people working there are very pleasant. As their own saying 'you'll be amazed'; Let the waiters know where you're from and you might be surprised they're serving you in your own language. :)

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