INK Hotel Amsterdam MGallery by Sofitel in Amsterdam

NederlandINK Hotel Amsterdam MGallery by Sofitel



🕗 openingstijden

67, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1012 RE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 627 5900
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3754926, Longitude: 4.8929878

opmerkingen 5

  • Kimberley Nutbey

    Kimberley Nutbey


    Cute and stylish hotel. Beautiful rooms with glas wall between the sink and the bed. Great service and delicious breakfast. There is a rain shower in the room which is lovely. I would only say that the bed is too soft to my taste. I highly recommend you staying here.

  • Julien Prénat

    Julien Prénat


    Perfect 3 nights stay. Ideally located in the Town (near Amsterdam Centraal but not in a too crowded place). Bed is awesome, and as a tall guy (1m91) I felt confortable in the room/shower - which is very nice by the way. Special mention for the cleanness of the room and the super efficient room cleaning service. Highly recommended!

  • Melissa Davis

    Melissa Davis


    This is a lovely modern hotel in the heart of Amsterdam. What makes it special is the service. The staff are wonderful and so helpful. I'm really impressed and I will stay here again every time I visit. The rooms are compact, but surprisingly quiet, and the beds are supper comfy. But all credit to some of the best hotel service I've ever had!

  • Stein Erik Petersbakken

    Stein Erik Petersbakken


    Kult hotell i sentral beliggenhet. Supert renhold, hele rommet luktet godt. Hjelpsom betjening. Store gode senger. God temperatur. Kult bad med dusj med god trykk i.

  • Mathias Paasche Hansson

    Mathias Paasche Hansson


    Unfortunately, my stay at INK Hotel was overshadowed by the mysterious disappearance of two of my jackets I managed to leave behind in the closet in my room. Upon notifying the hotel of the forgotten items, they confirmed that nobody had stayed in the room after our departure and the jackets were nowhere to be found. My only possible conclusion to this was that someone from the hotel was in possession of the jackets. After mailing back and forth for a while with the “Guest Experience Prospect”, “Ass. Front Office Manager” took over and conveniently changed the story to there actually having been guests staying in the room. Reading between the lines here they were claiming that the new guests took them or that I was simply lying about having left the jackets behind. Ultimately hotels aren’t responsible for their guest’s belongings, but still, one should expect that forgotten items are taken care of, staying at a hotel like INK and not simply just vanish. This was definitely my last visit to this hotel.

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