IMO Car Wash in Amsterdam

NederlandIMO Car Wash



🕗 openingstijden

98, Karspeldreef, 1102 BX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 363 2068
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3076519, Longitude: 4.9549077

opmerkingen 5

  • Berit Fuss

    Berit Fuss


    Good service, fast, great price

  • en

    Amir S


    For 2 times on the role, one time 2weeks ago and one time today I washed my car. One side of car was not cleaned . I asked the guy " could you please have a look at my car one side is not cleaned". He replied " this is what it is, I can't do anything for you. If you choose program 1 we don't wash your car. " he said it with a aggressive and impolite tonation. I was shocked. I live in neighborhood. I have been in this carwash more than 20 times. Always tip them. First time I try to explain something wrong, I get a rude and ignorant response???!!!

  • Michael Cijntje

    Michael Cijntje


    Greenest carwash in Holland is 100% accurate. Fast and simple and the price is good for any wallet.

  • en

    Rick Ongering


    Nice car wash! Lots of extra options to choose from, quick and already a nice simple wash from €4,50 up to €13,- for everything. Car still shines after 2 weeks with the hot wax and heavy rain. Would definitely recommend!

  • en

    Edson Girigorie


    Is great they get your car cleaned up

Carwash in de buurt

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