HvA Theo Thijssenhuis in Amsterdam

NederlandHvA Theo Thijssenhuis



🕗 openingstijden

Amstelcampus Wibautstraat 2 TTH, 1091 GM Amsterdam, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 599 5555
website: www.hva.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3591003, Longitude: 4.9079337

opmerkingen 5

  • ghost strong

    ghost strong


    I am following the HBO-ICT training. The teachers are not helpful. This college is very bad. I passed a course. That course and another course of the same year were replaced after a year. That is why I had to take both courses again, including the course I passed, which resulted in a 6 months study delay. I also had to redo an assignment with Slobodanka Dzebric (math teacher) 4 times. last time the feedback was that I had spelled the Manual with a capital letter instead of a manual and she said that the same is expected of me in business, I already work as a programmer at a company and what she said about the business is just not correct. Submitting a complaint is also pointless, because then the complaint is usually assessed by the same type of teachers. Some teachers are helpful, but there are too few. In short, I will do my best to get rid of this quickly because it makes me very unhappy.

  • Michal Kozdon

    Michal Kozdon


    Beautiful building. A bit outdated compared to the WBH

  • Bryan Visser

    Bryan Visser


    A lot of fun during on-campus lessons

  • Ates Yanik

    Ates Yanik


    Great place to study and even work. There is an awesome cafe/restaurant here too!

  • Laurens Nieuwendijk

    Laurens Nieuwendijk


    Clean and always a place to sit!

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