Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne in Eindhoven

NederlandHotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne



🕗 openingstijden

47, Vestdijk, 5611 CA, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 40 232 6111
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4385031, Longitude: 5.4824316

opmerkingen 5

  • Greg T

    Greg T


    All of the staff we talked to were courteous, kind and really did that bit extra to make our stay convenient and fun. Would recommend this hotel to anybody and will absolutely be back here next year all going well! The hotel was also spotless and the spa/gym facilities were a nice extra after a day playing sports!

  • en

    Marijke Vanderperren


    Very nice rooms, all accommodations your would need. A very nice buffet breakfast, a lot of options though it does get busy. Small but well equipped gym, sauna facilities. Felt more limited to me but are by no means lacking. The hotel is very conveniently located, close to the shops and the restaurants. All at a very fair price, I would definitely go again.

  • Davide Frusciante

    Davide Frusciante


    Hotel di alto livello. Camere larghe, ben organizzate e con tutti i servizi necessari. Posizione ottima, in poco più di 5 minuti a piedi si può giungere alla stazione, basta percorrere una strada per giungere nella zona della vita notturna di Eindhoven. Davvero un ottimo posto dove soggiornare in questa città!

  • Adrian Spicher

    Adrian Spicher


    Big rooms. Clean and quiet. Good bed. Hotel bar has a broad and tasty selection of drinks. The breakfast (extra charge) was fabulous and worth spending the money. Gym is well equipped. Staff was very friendly.

  • Uko van den Heuvel

    Uko van den Heuvel


    Super Hotel!

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