Hotel Not Hotel in Amsterdam

NederlandHotel Not Hotel



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
Piri Reïsplein 34, 1057 KH Amsterdam, Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 820 4538
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3662288, Longitude: 4.8594825

opmerkingen 5

  • it

    Maria Vittoria Laurini


    Carina l'idea delle camere ricavate in spazi strani, peccato che il "design" non risulti poi funzionale! Prezzi molto sopra la media per una camera da 4mq, completamente bianca con tre piccole mensole 20x20, nessuno spazio per valigie o appoggiare altro. All interno ci si può cambiare uno alla volta, in più le camere odora o costantemente di fritto e di cucina thai. Nessuna finestra per poter cambiare aria, il tutto assolutamente claustrofobico. Spazio esterno comune dotato di comodi divani, peccato per le sere un cui ci sono tavolate di persone a cena all interno Dell hotel e dalle camere si sente TROPPA confusione. Bagni comuni al piano inferiore, in più passando dal ristorante cosa scomodissima e brutta secondo me. Nessun servizio di pulizia per 4 notti, asciugamani cambiati su richiesta, e questo é uno schifo. Zona vicina al centro un po' trasandata e un po' bruttina sopratutto la sera. Ottima però la colazione, ed ottimo il personale al bar e alla reception che rende tutto meno scomodo. la location generale sembra bella ma non lo è. Ci tornerei solo per il personale accomodante. Il nome alla fine diceva tutto. HOTEL NOT HOTEL.

  • Darrell Mitchell

    Darrell Mitchell


    Really loved the quirkiness of this hotel. Every room had its own story and personality - I would feel like sleeping in a different hotel each time On this occasion we had the pleasure to try the hidden bookcase rooms and my they were amazing. The rooms were small and cosy with all your basic needs - whilst being kept hidden behind a fully functional bookcase. (so the doors are pretty hefty to open)

  • James Gaskell

    James Gaskell


    Wonderful alternative to most city breaks, we stayed here for one night and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Very unusual decor, but cozy. Staff bent over backwards to make our stay enjoyable. Would stay again. The breakfast was simple but fresh and filling. Close to a tram line and within walking distance of great food if you don't fancy Kevin Bacon_ who offer thai food

  • Viviana Galca

    Viviana Galca


    Very cool atmosphere! A lot of great places to lounge around, have a drink, snack or read! The rooms are all tucked into the most unassuming corners, it's very charming. The rooms are super tiny (which we knew when we booked) but a little more storage room would have made a big difference. Also at night it got a little stuffy because of the poor air ventilation in the room

  • Gary Gibson

    Gary Gibson


    Charming beyond words. I was leery of the communal bathroom, but it was very nice and immaculately clean. The rooms themselves leave a lot to be desired, like storage, a toilet, or room to turn around :), but you will be enjoying yourself too much in the common areas and in their Kevin Bacon restaurant to care. Staff were amazing. Helpful and genuinely friendly. Martha was always ready to answer our questions, chat for a bit, and make sure all our needs were met. They were really the cherry on top of this place. They make me want to come back whenever I'm in Amsterdam.

Bar in de buurt

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