Hotel NH Collection Amsterdam Flower Market in Amsterdam

NederlandHotel NH Collection Amsterdam Flower Market



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
4, Vijzelstraat, 1017 HK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 2266
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.366261, Longitude: 4.893101

opmerkingen 5

  • Anastasia Katopodis

    Anastasia Katopodis


    Superb! Wonderful! This hotel is extremely well run with an above average amount of amenities and excellent customer service. It is secure, requiring a room key to use the elevator. The hallways have a gorgeous Art Deco feel. Our room was beautiful , modern, clean and had amenities such as Tassimo coffee, extra large towels, quality toiletries, and an app that lets you order basic but necessary items you may have forgotten to pack. In exchange for “green service” (forgoing daily cleaning) we received one drink each per day. (Heineken for me) You could still request towels, toiletries, coffee, etc. Also this hotel is very conveniently reached. Once you exit the Central Station, cross the street to take Tram 24, then 5 minutes later you are deposited right in front of the hotel. This is the best hotel we’ve stayed at in Amsterdam. During our stay, my husband fell and hurt his knees quite badly. The kind receptionist, Lisa, took him aside and provided first aid and so much compassion. Every time she saw him afterwards, she inquired about his knees. Such a lovely employee is a huge asset to this hotel.

  • Mik B.

    Mik B.


    Cozy rooms even if little. Great breakfast. Nice staff especially Mr Alessio, he made us feel like at home, we ll come back for sure

  • Giorgia Pgg

    Giorgia Pgg


    Lovely hotel with modern clean rooms in a key location close to shops restaurants museums and anything you wish to see in Amsterdam. Breakfast is included and features a wide array of croissants bread toasts fruits eggs etc Staff is very friendly and helpful and is taking every measure to make your stay safe during these challenging times I will definitely come back

  • Johanna Spencer

    Johanna Spencer


    Very nice design and renovated hotel, in the theme of flowers in view of its geographical location (very good location halfway between all the good neighborhoods and activities of the city). We had a small problem when we arrived, a badly cleaned table and a microscopic bathroom not matching the bathroom of the reserved room - so we were upgraded in the corner suite, with a breathtaking view. Thanks to Pavla for her very good management and to Alfredo for the check-out. Friendly and always smiling staff.

  • dave leahy

    dave leahy


    What a lovely place to stay my second visit in 5 weeks and both times i was looked after to the highest of standards, the second visit i was welcomed by the manager who had helped me throughout my booking. thank you.

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