Hotel JL No76 in Amsterdam

NederlandHotel JL No76



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
76, Jan Luijkenstraat, 1071 CT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 348 5555
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.359591, Longitude: 4.880162

opmerkingen 5

  • Veronica Themudo

    Veronica Themudo


    Amei ficar nesse hotel. Pequeno e super charmoso, além de muito bem localizado. O cafe da manhã é super gostoso e o local é super charmoso. Ele fica na rua atrás da praça com os principais museus e muito perto do Vondelpark. É para quem quer fazer compras em lojas TOP, esse hotel fica ao lado. Super recomendo.

  • Laura Jemima M

    Laura Jemima M


    The location of the hotel was perfect, it was located opposite the Van Gough museum and near a beautiful park. The staff were really helpful with helping us navigate around the city and so friendly. We visited the restaurant one night and the food was lovely with excellent service. I would highly recommend this hotel to anyone planning on staying in Amsterdam and I will definitely be going back myself.

  • Joseph Orechovesky

    Joseph Orechovesky


    The people make the stay, and this is so true for JL 76. Everyone we encountered made us feel right at home and part of the family. The room was large and had a jacuzzi tub. The breakfast served was the best I've ever seen at a hotel as well. If I come back to Amsterdam this is where I will be staying.

  • Owen Tang

    Owen Tang


    Great experience with one of the best valued locations in Amsterdam. I started years ago in another place so comparatively this time was much better overall. The rooms were about average size but the comfort was much better and the staff were very receptive to our needs. One if the things that could be worked on is perhaps the average like span of the sheets. There were a decent amount of stains that would normally be thrown away even if the sheet was washed. Location was superb next to the famous Rijksmuseum and close to the tram and Heineken Experience. Definitely recommend!

  • Søren Mogensen

    Søren Mogensen


    Roligt og centralt.

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