Hotel ibis Leiden Centre in Leiden

NederlandHotel ibis Leiden Centre



🕗 openingstijden

Stationsplein 240-242, 2312 AR Leiden, Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 71 516 0000
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.1642574, Longitude: 4.4814443

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Aaron Holden


    I have stayed here a number of times and it's okay. On my last visit the TV was playing up and the air-conditioning was broken but the rooms are clean, the windows do a good job of keeping the sound of Leiden Central out, there's always hot water and extra pillows. Good value for money.

  • Eryn Cangi

    Eryn Cangi


    A bit expensive in general but we had a conference rate. Nice clean rooms. Free breakfast is awesome, everything from eggs and sausage to poffertjes and fruit, yogurt, croissants, juices. Rooms could be improved by fridges but maybe that's an American thing. edit: Updated because I forgot to mention the outlets are kind of sparse. There were only outlets right next to the window, and in the bathroom.

  • Martin Schierbeek

    Martin Schierbeek


    Ontbijt: Broodjes zij droog. Beleg en Koffie zijn prima. De lokatie is ideaal.

  • Jennifer Glithero

    Jennifer Glithero


    Nice, basic hotel in the central area. Very convenient for shopping and trains. The rooms are small and have just barely minimum for USA standards, but it's still a nice place. Clean and friendly. Close and walkable to everything. They do have upgraded rooms available as well.

  • Donato Borrelli

    Donato Borrelli


    Ho soggiornato in quesro albergo per un viaggio di lavoro. Ottima posizione per collegamenti ferroviari. La mia stanza era molto spaziosa e pulita (quadrupla). Colazione di livello molto buono. Non bellissima le viste esterne ma girato l'angolo si arriva in 5 minuti in centro zona canali. Personale gentile.

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