Hotel Excelsior in Den Haag

NederlandHotel Excelsior


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🕗 openingstijden

45, Statenlaan, 2582 GC, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 354 1234
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0928221, Longitude: 4.2763754

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Arno Loessner


    The hotel is fine, but the problem is the person who runs it. We booked a room well in advance and specified the room we had enjoyed in the past. The owner/manager confirmed our reservation during a phone conversation. When we arrived at the hotel, he had no record of our reservation, denied his confirmation, then said we should have written him to remind him. In addition to his poor records , he is very rude. At our request, he called other hotels to help us find another room, but never again with this hotelier.

  • Ashley E.

    Ashley E.


    Amazing hotel, beautiful on the inside with a old design that dates back quite a few years.

  • Andrea De Cesare

    Andrea De Cesare


    Un posto tranquillo pulito caldo ed accogliente. I proprietari sono molto attenti. L'atmosfera è da "old Lady house". La colazione è varia e abbondante i dintorni sono turistici, per turismo da famiglia.

  • nl

    Jorry Janssen


    Prima service, ruime schone kamer en badkamer, goede parkeermogelijkheden (na winkelsluiting). Aanrader!

  • es



    El hotel es un verdadero encanto, parece una antigua casa señorial. Las habitaciones son muy amplias y están bastante limpias. El regente del hotel es muy amable y atento, y el alojamiento incluye un desayuno muy completo.

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