Hotel Carillon in Haarlem

NederlandHotel Carillon


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🕗 openingstijden

27, Grote Markt, 2011 RC, Haarlem, Haarlem, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 23 531 0591
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3815125, Longitude: 4.6371541

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Maude Vanhengel


    Price/quality rate of the food is terrible. Burger meat tasted awful. Service is ok sometimes, but very heavily depends on the waiter/waitress that’s helping you.

  • Zakk Zahariev

    Zakk Zahariev


    Even if the manu says that the kitchen opens at 11:00 we had to wait until 12:30 to order. The waitress had no clue what is on the menu and seemed overall very confused. I was happy to see that it is one of the few places in Haarlem that has Old Fashioned but to my surprise I received Bourbon with lemon juice...

  • Kim



    A few of the waitresses are actually nice but the rest has a less than pleasant attitude. Confusing opening hours as well

  • en

    Menno B.


    The location was nog that great. The rooms were clean and Nice. The service was fine

  • en

    Jannik Raabe


    Bad service in the restaurant. We tried the burgers and they taste really bad. Not worth 15€ and kinda a joke. Would not come back.

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