Hotel Café Restaurant Hoog Soeren in Hoog Soeren

NederlandHotel Café Restaurant Hoog Soeren



🕗 openingstijden

15, Hoog Soeren, 7346 AB, Hoog Soeren, Apeldoorn, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 55 519 1231
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2180905, Longitude: 5.8760437

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Bas Hanssen


    Great view and nice people

  • en

    Nicolai V.


    It looked very nice, and the staff was cute. The drinks were delicious too.

  • Tessa Carter

    Tessa Carter


    We were here for Christmas dinner. Good food not outstanding but good. Friendly staff and a nice sphere in this hotel. It looks very cosy and humble. I don't know what the rooms look like but the restaurant was clean and good.

  • Guido Kollerie

    Guido Kollerie


    Fine for a drink or cup of coffee. But dinner is rather awful; the hamburger I'd ordered was extremely salty, had poor quality meat, and was served with a stale bread roll. It's a shame as the location excellent.

  • Gijs de Vries

    Gijs de Vries


    Been there for lunch. Absolutely delicious, even had two servings. Beautiful location, nice atmosphere, although I was not a fan of the live "jazz/blues" like music. It was also a bit loud. As far as I know, the live music is not every weekend.

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