Holiday Inn Express Rotterdam - Central Station in Rotterdam

NederlandHoliday Inn Express Rotterdam - Central Station


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

121, Weena, 3013 CK, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 10 820 2990
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9243703, Longitude: 4.4759667

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Ron Shoup


    Convenient location with easy access to public transit. Room was clean but lacked any type of in room safe or refrigerator. Bed was also small for sleeping two.

  • Sobrino Real

    Sobrino Real


    Clean, neat and friendly service, what's more you can ask for with that price? Compliment to Front desk Ashley as she's really nice and helpful, and proactive offered early check-in for customer like me who has bulky luggage. I am glad that I had chosen this hotel for my Rotterdam trip.

  • MrKurylon




  • it

    Charles Charlini


    Albergo con standard qualitativo buono, buona la colazione con alle volte un po' di confusione. Belle le camere Ed i bagni. molto comoda la posizione vicina alla stazione ed al centro. Si può girare tutto a piedi tranquillamente. Chiaramente strutture di questo tipo sono comode ma anonime, uguali a se stesse ovunque.

  • Patryk Janik

    Patryk Janik


    Brak restauracji

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