Himalaya Health Centre i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandHimalaya Health Centre



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4, Dirk van Hasseltssteeg, 1012 NE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
kontakter telefon: +31 20 363 7433
internet side: www.himalayahealthcentre.nl
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.3758434, Longitude: 4.8948124

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lewis Brown


    Amazing! I had a full body massage and it was the best massage I've ever had.

  • Ishan Parikh

    Ishan Parikh


    Try the back massage it’s reasonably priced as well worth doing ! Be aware back include a deep back massage so it’s not just the normal back it goes deep till your tail bone. It is a relaxing place to be in that neighborhood. Not so costly - easy access - no prior booking is required. They only take cash so be ready with that or the ATM is nearby ;)

  • wood claire

    wood claire


    We just enjoyed a couples hot oil massage. (45mins for €50 each) It was lovely and the setting was nice with a warm welcome and relaxing music. Good value for money and a very thorough deep all body massage. One criticism wpuld be that each of the masseurs kept leaving the cubicle to attend to others coming in with new enquiries however we did still get the full allocation of time. Would definitely recommend and go back!

  • Alex Horseshoe

    Alex Horseshoe


    Having tried a fair few in and around town I can confidently say this is in the top 2. Most of the Chinese ones are absolutely dreadful with poor service, and no atmosphere ( I conclude they are money laundering fronts or something ). This Tibetan one could not be further away in terms of quality of massage and atmosphere. They seem to get the pressure just firm enough and actually make a difference to your aching body. Apparently they are all from Tibet and essentially Tibetan refugees fleeing the occupation. I just hope they are compensated fairly for such skilled work. I would put it number 1 if they gave a more cushioned head area on the tables as my head/face seems to ache after a while so I bring my own travel headrest which works well. All in all, this place is excellent and the service is genuinely helpful. There’s no where better for the price.

  • Steve



    Ich hatte viele Thai Massagen in meinem Leben aber diese tibetanische Massage ist mein absoluter Favorit. Es ist die goldene Mitte zwischen Druckpunkt und Entspannungsmassage. Die Dame des Hauses die mich massierte hat sofort erkannt wo ich meine Probleme habe und sie hat sie gelöst. Andere Massage Salons haben nicht dieses Feingefühl und spulen einfach ihr Programm ab. Die Einrichtung ist sehr schön, die Massageliege sauber und vollautomatisch verstellbar (Muss sündhaft teuer sein) und das Personal ist freundlich und wie schon erwähnt, sehr professionell. Ich kann den Salon vorbehaltslos empfehlen!

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