Hiding In Plain Sight i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandHiding In Plain Sight



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18, Rapenburg, 1011 TX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 6 25293620
internet side: hpsamsterdam.com
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Latitude: 52.3717497, Longitude: 4.9076448

kommentar 5

  • Adriel Barboza

    Adriel Barboza


    I’ve had a great experience at this place before but my most recent visit was subpar. I’ve always enjoyed the hospitality of the folks working there but I had a really bad experience with the girl serving us today. The bartender was super friendly and made amazing cocktails which we definitely enjoyed and highly recommend but the visit was ruined by the discriminatory and rude behavior. This could have been five stars but unfortunate for the girl working there it’s now less. Don’t let this stop you from getting cocktails but I do hope the hospitality could be back to what it was before.

  • Mads “Saxo” Nielsen

    Mads “Saxo” Nielsen


    Best bar in my life.

  • Rıdvan Dilsiz

    Rıdvan Dilsiz


    The coffee is great. The atmosphere was just as beautiful.

  • Matt Jenkins

    Matt Jenkins


    Incredible little bar in the middle of Amsterdam. If you're a bunch of 'first time Amsterdam goers' don't come here. If you enjoy amazing tasting and unique cocktails then this is your place. The price may seem high but the drink makes up for it 100%. Small, comfy and chilled makes this one of the nicest cocktail bars in Central Amsterdam ❤️❤️❤️

  • Maria Osselt

    Maria Osselt


    I was really excited to taste some of the special and unique cocktails there, unfortunately that didn’t happened. Me and my group arrived a bit late but still 40 minutes before 1am. The barkeeper just asked us if we were all over 21? We told him yes. After, he said he already called out the last round. He obviously hadn’t any interest in serving us some drinks. As we decided to leave he supercilious shouted: You’re eight people, social distancing guys! I understand his point but he could have said it in a much friendlier way. He also simply could have give us 3-4 separate tables, the bar was nearly empty anyway. All in all, I had the felling that he didn’t welcome young tourist at his place.

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