Hertz in Deventer




🕗 openingstijden

Dortmundtstraat 6, 7418 BH Deventer, Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 570 500 888
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.243749, Longitude: 6.191976

opmerkingen 1

  • Ansgar Fehnker

    Ansgar Fehnker


    I booked a car at Hertz Enschede location in early Feb. There was no person at that location, but also no sign that it shouldn't be open. Asking at a the service station next door revealed that this location had been closed since a week for business. They told me to call the Hertz in Deventer some 50 miles from where I was. Staf at the Deventer location was particularly unhelpful (and rude). Their attitude was that it was me who wanted a car, so it should be me who would have to make an effort. To somehow make my way to their location. It apparently did occur to them that I hired a car because (a) I had no means of transportation (not even to quickly drive 50 miles in the wrong direction to where I had to be to pick up a car) (b) did have to be somewhere on time (I allowed for 1 hour slack on an 1 hour drive, which seemed reasonable, meaning I had to be there 2 hours after my scheduled pick-up time). I rent more often, in many places, with many companies, in many countries, but no car rental agency has ever been so oblivious to the needs of their customers, and why they rent cars. So in the end I go NO car, missed the appointment, had to hire a more expensive car with europcar (happens when you book last minute), no repy from customer service, and got NO REIMBURSEMENT for the PREPAID BOOKING (It is 2 months later now). 150 bucks for nothing except being treated rudely and problems arising from having to make alternative arrangements. I would give ZERO stars if I could.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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