Henriettes Laundrette in Maastricht

NederlandHenriettes Laundrette



🕗 openingstijden

70, Sint Pieterstraat, 6211 JP, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 43 852 5065
website: henriettes-laundrette.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8445445, Longitude: 5.6913036

opmerkingen 5

  • Marjan Slotemaker

    Marjan Slotemaker


    Wordt goed gewassen

  • en

    Frances Tobias


    Drop off your laundry here and they will wash and dry it for you. They were very good about the few delicate bits I brought in a net bag to be washed in the bag and kept out of the dyers. It's fall 2017 and they charged me €9.5 per load - a fair price - comparible to the self-service laundry I used in Liege. They are very helpful and friendly and have the sweetest dog who will come around the counter for cuddles with minimal encouragement. I highly recommend!

  • en

    Andreas Schot


    The lady is a character, she is nice and very knowledgeable. I got great advice and every label attached was checked carefully. I was reminded to pay for parking not to get in trouble.

  • Sam babcock

    Sam babcock


    Medium quality, and not particularly friendly people. But if you need to get some basic cleaning done then they will provide this.

  • nl

    princessis abitch


    Geweldige service, goed, goedkoop en deskundig. Ik kan Henriette aanraden voor iedereen.

Wasserij in de buurt

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