HEMA in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

174-176, Nieuwendijk, 1012 MT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 4176
website: www.hema.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3750595, Longitude: 4.8942787

opmerkingen 5

  • Mowaffaq Tahir

    Mowaffaq Tahir


    Love HEMA warehouse since the first time I was there. It has a lot of great options and great quality products! You can also come here until 10 o’clock in the mornings to get a good breakfast at just 2 euro! They have also photo book services. The clothes they have are nice quality and cheaper prices!

  • Poppy Xenia Lai

    Poppy Xenia Lai


    Nice place to shop for party stuff. Yet, you might find a few items for tourist. Have a paid toilet, but the fee is reasonable.

  • Txus Corral

    Txus Corral


    The Netherlands, 2018; one supervisor tells to the one of the few efficient ladys serving coffee to cover her ear piercing. Seriously? Really? But really seriously? In The Netherlands in 2018? Not only that, she looks cleaner than any of the supervisors walking here around today 30-03-2018 at 9:20 (they didn't clean/buy shoes for a while and that's us something to take care of, not the piercing!!!)

  • Oluchi Onoh

    Oluchi Onoh


    This is a relatively big Hema situated in the city centre. The last time I was here there was a long queue at the checkout counter. The staff is really kind. I am dissatisfied with their loyalty program. First off contrary to many other loyalty programs you have to purchase their loyalty card. But it was more disappointing for me to learn that the saved points expire after just one year.

  • en

    HJC Thijssen


    Famous Dutch retailer with a lot to offer, good quality and affordable prices. Including snack bar and restaurant where in winter, for instance, warm delicious Dutch pea soup can be ordered with rye bread. Products vary from fashion in season, home-making attributes, articles for personal care incl. vitamins, bread, cake and other edibles ready for consumption. In the morning continental breakfast on offer (2 euro) and from 4 pm any coffee/tea with cake for that price.

Warenhuis in de buurt

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