Heffer Tavern in Amsterdam

NederlandHeffer Tavern



🕗 openingstijden

7, Oudebrugsteeg, 1012 JN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 428 4488
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3752441, Longitude: 4.8974184

opmerkingen 5

  • Mr. Sebin

    Mr. Sebin


    Worst worst place... i have been here waited more than 1 hour.... the food delivery is so so slow

  • Ángela Piedras Yegros

    Ángela Piedras Yegros


    A nice place to have a meal. Good service and cozy atmosphere. In the picture: nachos, BLTC and tune melt. These are the very best nachos that I have never tried!

  • Bob Stockton

    Bob Stockton


    First place we stopped when we arrived...and we went back ..great food and beer.

  • Miguel Vega

    Miguel Vega


    Very nice cafe! an old taxes office which has been beautifully transformed into a cafe. Unfortunately Italian and Spanish tourist guides have made it their stop along their route, and it can get very loud inside, but still worthy!

  • Usha Eats

    Usha Eats


    Went here for the show nothing wrong with the venue. Quite busy and fun. Owners of the magic mike show done a very poor job of accommodating the show and choosing the an awful venue with a stage a size of a single bed

Cafe in de buurt

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