Health City Rotterdam Kralingen in Rotterdam

NederlandHealth City Rotterdam Kralingen



🕗 openingstijden

224, Kralingseweg, 3062 CG, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 272 2000
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9281743, Longitude: 4.5364491

opmerkingen 5

  • Nanna Zhang

    Nanna Zhang


    Full equipments, swimming pool and nice atmosphere.

  • Alan Howard

    Alan Howard


    Never again. Grabbed without consent by one of their instructors from behind to 'correct me' when I was in no immediate danger, grabbing someone from behind with no warning or no knowledge of their history or health is of course dangerous, the person could have any injury or a nervous condition. Made a complaint to management told ' he did not mean to upset me', I could have had any kind of injury or nervous condition, and is basic gym protocol to ask before touching anyone. Head office 'I did not see him coming from behind me'. Wanted basic customer service 'This is inappropriate, we apologize on behalf of our company, it will not happen again, did not get it only excuses. Cancelled membership after 5 years so did a family member and some colleagues. Need to train in a safe environment with safety and peace of mind. Voted with our wallets against the attitude 'if you don't like it leave'.

  • en

    Leon Mei


    Nice clean facility and friendly staff!

  • Loek van Gool

    Loek van Gool


  • en

    Henrique Sprenger


Spa in de buurt

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