Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandHard Rock Cafe Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

57-61, Max Euweplein, 1017 MA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 888 1358
website: www.hardrockcafe.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3620655, Longitude: 4.8830728

opmerkingen 5

  • Demosthenis Axiotis

    Demosthenis Axiotis


    Beautifully located beside one of the many Amsterdam canals this hard Rock Cafe had a very positive experience! Impresses with the very kind and very quick waiters as well as how quickly our food was prepared. The premises were clean and we were flattered that they followed all covid regulations in making masks mandatory within the restaurant!! The food was probably the tastiest food I've ever had in a Hard Rock! Atmosphere was very child friendly, but you have to walk there if you want to go. Highly recommended!

  • Owen Valencia Hageman

    Owen Valencia Hageman


    Hard Rock Cafe is probably the best and also my favourite place to eat in Amsterdam, the service is the best, the food is really good, there is music and (usually) music videos displayed on the screens. The view from the inside out of the windows is amazing and beautiful. It is a perfect surprise and a fun night for someone who turns a year older 😁

  • Krista Ducharme

    Krista Ducharme


    It was a FANTASTIC experience! We have gone to Hard Rock Cafe's around the world and our 2 experiences prior to Amsterdam had been very disappointing. We were beginning to think that our awesome Hard Rock experiences were going to be a thing of the past until Paul at Hard Rock Amsterdam. His attention to detail was perfect. His interest in us was wonderful. His joy was infectious. The food was okay...very expected. Yet, they went out of the way to work with my husband's garlic allergy. The GM even came out to check us several times. LOVED that!!! Our Hurricane's were off the hook! We haven't had a Hurricane like this in more than a decade...WOW. Our other go to tradition is a B-52...I know they don't go together but the tradition started long ago in our 20's and it's just turned into a thing. Plus, you can learn a great deal about a place through the bar. On this day it was our daughter's first B-52 experience and it was perfect. We had such a wonderful time outside of the Hard Rock in Amsterdam that we are already making plans to go back once COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.

  • Ian McLean

    Ian McLean


    Food was unimpressive. Memorabilia not up to the standard we have seen in other HRCs. Pretty location.

  • Omri Alcobi

    Omri Alcobi


    Not the best hard rock rest I've been.

Restaurant in de buurt

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