Hampshire Golfhotel - Waterland in Purmerend

NederlandHampshire Golfhotel - Waterland


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🕗 openingstijden

60, Westerweg, 1445 AD, Purmerend, Purmerend, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 299 481 666
website: www.hampshire-hotels.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.5007914, Longitude: 4.9928989

opmerkingen 5

  • Oliver Perea

    Oliver Perea


    A 25 minutos de Amsterdam en autobus. Muy tranquilo. Habitaciones muy grandes, suelo de moqueta. Pocas amenities. Desayuno no incluido (15€). Precio barato

  • ja

    K Kaneyuki


    部屋がきれいでとにかく広い しかし電子レンジや冷蔵庫はない模様 ポットは頼めばあるみたいですが 私は使うことはなかったので 分かりません 電源タップはC型 変圧器必須(日本からの場合) 充電コードさえあればTVのUSBを 使って充電ぐらいは出来ます 立地はアムステルダム市内までは17km バスで行くことになります OV chipkaart(nimocaのような交通カード) 必須です スキポールの駅の青い券売機で買えます 歩いて1km圏内にもスーパーマーケットがありますので 買い物には困りません ちょっとした飲み物やお菓子くらいなら ホテル内でも買えます

  • en

    Lindsay Scott


    Clean rooms, helpful staff. We checked in at about 9pm with no problems. Some of the outdoor areas are a bit messy. (Quite a lot of cigarette ends outside my room) i was given one of the updated rooms for my stay this time. Alot better than the older ones but even so if you get an older room for the money it is very good value. I would definitely recommend this hotel. Value for money and location is great

  • Viaggiatoreromantico



    Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, posizione ottima perchè vicino alla città di Amsterdam ma in una zona molto molto calma. Adatta a chi non ama la città. La zona è tranquilla ma molto NORDICA, vento, pioggia, fresco! Lo consiglio. Ah c'è anche il golf.

  • en

    Tijn Schinkel


    Very nice hotel with a big parking lot. In the middle of the golf field. Good service and clean rooms. Didn't stay here for long, but it was a good experience

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