Hampshire Boshotel - Overberg in Overberg

NederlandHampshire Boshotel - Overberg


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🕗 openingstijden

63B, Dwarsweg, 3959 AE, Overberg, Utrechtse Heuvelrug, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 343 475 547
website: www.boshoteloverberg.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0291401, Longitude: 5.5003306

opmerkingen 5

  • Dave High

    Dave High


    Hotel is modern, clean and comfortable. Set in the country it's quiet with nice surroundings. Staff are very helpful and friendly. Rooms are modern, spacious and comfortable. Would recommend.

  • en

    N M


    Room is nice with a bathtub and shower. Hotel has wellness and bicycles for rent. Hotel is near by hiking- and cycling trails. The food at the restaurant is delicious!

  • en

    P. de Jong


    Nice rooms, friendly staff, breakfast could be better

  • Wouter Sieverink

    Wouter Sieverink


    It was a pleasant hotel. The rooms were comfy, with a bath! Only displeasing surprise was that the door for the bathroom did not close off entirely. So you could see, hear and smell each other which kinda ruins some of the romance. But otherwise it was great stay!

  • en

    Bashar Alhaddad


    Great hotel in middle of woods.. just if you have a car.. or your aiming is biking in nature

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