Haagsche Tailor Kledingreparatie & Stomerij in Den Haag

NederlandHaagsche Tailor Kledingreparatie & Stomerij



🕗 openingstijden

Gedempte Gracht, 2512 AK, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 361 6014
website: www.haagschetailor.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0757858, Longitude: 4.3131909

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Emrah Bekdemir


    Vandaag heel goed en snel geholpen door jullie, nogmaals bedankt ervoor.

  • Egidijus Morkevičius

    Egidijus Morkevičius


    I would give 8 stars but there's only 5 haha

  • David Sanders

    David Sanders


    Vriendelijke man, snelle service, goed werk en nette prijs.

  • Natalie Essad

    Natalie Essad


    Thought the man at the register was rude. Here's why: I walked in with two items. The first: I asked him if he could fix a zipper for a sleeping bag to a baby buggy. He said "no, it's broken and can't be fixed," with a short and harsh tone. He said very matter of factly, "it's 22€ to fix". I said, "it's not broken though is there a way....He abruptly interrupted and said with a stern tone, "no, you can't see it, but I can." And then he walked off and helped another customer. I didn't even get to my second piece to ask about before he walked off with an arrogant demeanor. To me that's not attentive to the customer or good customer service. Finally he came back but after he told me the price of the other one I already didn't want to support his business. Yes, it looks like quality work, but my personal experience wasn't friendly.

  • nl

    Joris Falhaber


    Echt een goede! Goed en leuk personeel en mijn broek is weer helemaal mooi (en heel) :)

Wasserij in de buurt

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