Grieks Restaurant - Grand Taverna Alexandros in Almere

NederlandGrieks Restaurant - Grand Taverna Alexandros



🕗 openingstijden

19-21, Baltimoreplein, 1334 KA, Almere, Almere, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 36 737 0093
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3948536, Longitude: 5.276409

opmerkingen 5

  • Arjen Kos

    Arjen Kos


    Good gyros

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    Dawn Newman


    Food was good but not a lot . Waitress was a bit slow

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    Bionda Kasselman


    Loved the food. Friendly service, attention to detail

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    Alex Ciobanu


    Something is not right about the reviews for this place, we came here because of them and had a very bad experience overall, meat was of very bad quality, dry and wrongly served, our waiter(a bold guy which was probably the owner as well) started making stupid jokes that he only has 2 hands when we asked for he second time the menu and also when one of our guests asked if they don't have kataif for desert his reply was 'if we would have it, you would see it in the menu'. All of these made us regret coming in here and surely I do not reccomend anyone trying this disastrous place.

  • Edwin Hobbelink

    Edwin Hobbelink


    Great food, lovely, polite and friendly staff who all make you feel welcome in a family-like environment.

Restaurant in de buurt

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