Great in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

88-90, Ruysdaelstraat, 1071 XH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 763 0655
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3536398, Longitude: 4.880943

opmerkingen 5

  • E Valstar

    E Valstar


    I had one trial workout for free. As far as I can tell this is one of the best gyms in Amsterdam. It’s also one of the most expensive ones in the city, but it seems to be well worth it.

  • Mohammed Boujemaoui

    Mohammed Boujemaoui


    If you’re looking for a place where to stay in good shape, meet some nice people and have fun, you just found it!

  • Satchel Cowles

    Satchel Cowles


    High quality gym with good equipment and a nice wellness area. Haven’t tried the group classes but I enjoy working out there.

  • Boudewijn



    Very clean and nice gym, the people are friendly and the equipment is top notch!

  • Jennifer McCormack

    Jennifer McCormack


    Great spot. The staff are knowledgeable, helpful and manage to create a very welcoming, friendly and professional atmosphere. The classes are great and there is a wide variety available. It's well equipped but doesn't feel cramped or pokey in the space. The second squat wrack was a great addition. My only complaint is the hardwood floor isn't ideal. Its quite slippy especially in the free weights area.

Sportschool in de buurt

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