Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam

NederlandGrand Hotel Krasnapolsky



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
9, Dam, 1012 JS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 499 0163
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.37267, Longitude: 4.89409

opmerkingen 5

  • Noambaror



    I stayed at this hotel for about 10 nights as a tourist, I can say that the service was excellent and the staff at the hotel were nice and helpful with any questions I had in addition the location of the hotel is right in the city center which adds to the hotel experience.

  • Dr. Shawn White

    Dr. Shawn White


    My first stay at this hotel was amazing. The staff is very friendly and attentive. The breakfast was delicious. We’ll definitely stay here again.

  • Alexander Hupke

    Alexander Hupke


    I think it's awesome. When you are going to Amsterdam, this is the hotel you will going to love. Honestly it is not cheap but if you like luxury and service just give it a try. You will find out that it is pleasantly quiet.

  • Peyton Peoples

    Peyton Peoples


    This place claims to be a “5 star restaurant” yet there were a weird amount of spiders everywhere. Like spiders in the soup, spiders in the bed sheets, spiders everywhere! I turned on the water faucet and instead of water, all that came out were spiders! Also the TV channels offered very limited programs. All their on demand function had was reruns of The Bill Engvall Show, The Golden Palace (a spin off of The Golden Girls), and Hotel for Dogs. Not to mention they took great pride in pointing out they had a signed photo of Roman Polanski from when he stayed one time in the 60’s, which is kinda baffling because I would’ve taken that down about a good 40 or so years ago. Like read the room guys. Would not recommend.

  • Liam Van Dijk

    Liam Van Dijk


    To be honest, Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky is my favorite hotel in Amsterdam! Each time prefer to stay there! The location is top, this hotel is situated in the center. The staff is super friendly and professional. breakfast is their best asset. The rooms are clean and comfortable, the view is amazing! I had a view of the square. Breakfast is their best asset.

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