Gall & Gall Westerstraat 178 in Amsterdam

NederlandGall & Gall Westerstraat 178



🕗 openingstijden

178, Westerstraat, 1015 MR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 0724
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3782848, Longitude: 4.8818982

opmerkingen 5

  • Steven Pemberton

    Steven Pemberton


    Tiny shop from the largest Dutch chain of off-licenses. Reasonable stock, reasonable prices.

  • Felippe Alzuguir

    Felippe Alzuguir


    Best liquor store around, sells all kinds of booze, there are discounts that changes every week and also have the option to purchase a member card for 10 bucks and year that gives further discounts on selected wines, champagnes and whiskey

  • Dakota Hunter

    Dakota Hunter


    Good liquor store with a fair assortment. They have weekly sales which normally are a great deal!

  • Il Giovane

    Il Giovane


    Always friendly service and good advice on wine and liquor

  • Ebony Evans

    Ebony Evans


    I spent an hour or so with Dennis & Robin Who took the time to help me find the perfect gift. Extremely knowledgeable on vodkas and cognacs and even found two limited edition bottles that I didn’t have to add to my vast minituares collection. Prices are good - I’m from the U.K. so everything is cheaper! Great packing Will pop by next month when I return for Christmas shopping ideas.

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